Thursday, August 28, 2008

What if Mormons are right and Catholics and Protestants wrong?

The Belfast Telegraph had a great article today
. I just had to provide a link to it. For those of you who don't want to read the whole thing here is a snippet.

'Given Christian teaching, does it make more sense to baptize dead adults rather than live babies?"

"What’s the difference, anyway, between baptising the dead and baptising babies? A tiny infant will have as much understanding as a dead person — none at all — of the complex philosophical belief-system it’s being inducted into when baptised".

"Indeed, given that all Christian Churches believe that the soul lives on after death and retains understanding and consciousness of self, doesn’t it make more sense to baptise dead adults than live babies?"


Kazzy said...

Baptizing babies makes the assumption that they are born sinful and need some kind of repentance. We don't believe that this is the case. By being baptized (by PROXY) for someone who has died, they are given the option of accepting the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ or not. Nothing is forced, just offered. There is an age of accountability, and since baptism comes with expectations we believe it is immoral to baptize children who cannot be responsible. Children, therefore are baptized at age 8.

Adam said...
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Stephen said...

Adam, There is a God who is our actual Father in Heaven. Jesus Christ is his son. This fact is not changed just because someone does not believe it anymore than the earth becomes flat or gravity fails because someone chooses not to believe those facts.

There are plenty of places to express ones unbelief. I do not see why I need to have this blog be one of those places. Therefore I have deleted your comment.

Adam said...


I stumbled upon your blog and find it quite interesting to read the views of others. You have no obligation to allow others to express their beliefs (or unbeliefs, I guess), but anyone with any sense about them knows that there is no rational proof of a god or other higher being, although you certainly have the right to believe in whatever you choose. This is your blog and you can delete whatever comments you choose, of course!

Comparing belief in a god to gravity is absurd; there is unrefutable scientific proof that gravity exists and that the world is not flat. Belief in religions has caused more death and destruction through wars and discord than virtually any other cause; surely if there was a god, this would not be the case.

You have a nice blog and I enjoy your writing and photos. Now put your brain back inside your skull and stop smoking that religion crack! You seem way too smart to believe this nonsense.

In peace,


Stephen said...

Adam, Just because you do not believe does not change the facts. I know in who I trust.

As for being to smart to believe; the more educated most Mormons are, the stronger their belief.